今回のAnimal Chat Caféでは、保護されたり、新しい家族へと引き取られたり、何らかの事情で飼い主が変わったりすること、あるいは、新しい家やアパートに引っ越したりすること、家族(他の動物も含めて)が増えたり減ったりすることを、動物たちがどのように考えているかを、いろいろと探っていこうと思います。
アニマルコミュニケーター ローレン・マッコール
Living with Change:
Life goes on wherever we go
In life, change is unavoidable for animals and people. But how do our animals feel about change when so many things are out of their control? This Animal Chat Café will explore what some companion animals think about being rescued or fostered, change of owner(s), moving to a new house or flat, and the comings and goings of people and other animals in their lives and families. This lively topic will appeal to all pet lovers, including those involved in rescue and foster work, vets, vet techs, trainers and anyone else who wants to know more about what we can do to make the inevitable changes in life easier for our animal friends.
Animal Communicator : Lauren McCall